IQed Smart Cookie

Is it a cookie, or is it a meal? With IQed it's a smart cookie that's both a treat and a healthy meal! Even better you probably have all the ingredients needed to whip up a smart cookie rich in natural nutrients and prebiotics in minutes!
IQed Chocolate Peanut Butter Smart Cookie
- 1 Scoop Chocolate IQed
- 1 Tbs. Natural Peanut Butter
- Raw Honey To Taste
You can use maple or chocolate syrup instead of raw honey. Raw honey, however, is a natural prebiotic. Optional to dip or sprinkle the cookies with nuts, coconut flakes, chocolate or peanut butter chips, powdered sugar, or sprinkles. The amounts and ingredients are flexible. The recipe is for one cookie but if you want to make a few at once you can double or triple the recipe. If your child is only using one scoop a day, use this same recipe to make 2 smaller cookies and serve to them twice a day. This smart cookie is rich in natural nutrients including 22 vitamins and minerals, soluble fiber and Omega 3s, healthy ayurvedic botanicals, and complete meal and vitamin replacement. Have fun with these, and let your child help!
- Mix the IQed with a splash of water and stir till it creates a paste
- Add the honey to taste and stir.
- Flatten into a cookie.
- Put on wax paper and freeze for at least 15 minutes, enjoy.
IQed Cinnamon Bun Smart Cookie
- 1 Scoop Vanilla IQed
- 1 Tbs. Frozen Yogurt Or Cream Cheese
- 1 Tbs. Coconut Flour
- 1/2 Tsp. Ceylon Cinnamon
- Organic Maple Syrup To Taste
You can use raw honey instead of maple syrup. Both raw honey as well as organic maple syrup, along with cinnamon, are all natural prebiotics. If using frozen yogurt, choose one that has probiotics. Optional to dip or sprinkle the cookies with nuts, coconut flakes, cinnamon sugar, or sprinkles. The amounts and ingredients are flexible. The recipe is for one cookie but if you want to make a few at once you can double or triple the recipe. If your child is only using one scoop a day, use this same recipe to make 2 smaller cookies and serve to them twice a day. This smart cookie is rich in natural nutrients including 22 vitamins and minerals, soluble fiber and Omega 3s, healthy ayurvedic botanicals, and complete meal and vitamin replacement. Have fun with these, and let your child help!
- Mix the IQed and cinnamon with a splash of water and stir till it creates a paste
- Add the cream cheese and stir.
- Add maple syrup to taste.
- Flatten into a cookie.
- Put on wax paper and freeze for at least 15 minutes, enjoy.
How Many Smart Cookies A Day?
IQed can be served as a food or a drink (or as a smart cookie) and it's full meal and vitamin replacement. There are 30 scoops of IQed per canister. Suggested serving sizes for use, or use as directed by your healthcare provider.
- One to Two years of age – one to two cookies or heaping scoops a day (1/2 to 1 scoop twice a day)
- Three years of age – two to four cookies or heaping scoops a day (1 to 2 scoops twice a day)
- Four to Eight years of age -three to four cookies or heaping scoops a day (1 and a half to 2 scoops twice day)
- Nine to Adult – four to six cookies or heaping scoops a day (2 to 3 scoops twice a day)