Good Nutrition Just Got A Whole Lot Easier!
IQed Smart NutritionTM
Serving Suggestions | Recipes | FAQ | Picky Eater Tips | Patents

Let’s face it life’s busy. Fortunately a healthy meal doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Start your child’s day smart in minutes with all natural IQed Smart NutritionTM. IQed Smart NutritionTM is made with real whole food ingredients and provides an easy, quick, nutritious way to feed your child at home, or one the go! IQedTM provides the nutritional potential to stand alone as a meal and vitamin replacement for adults or children, or it can also be used as a healthy meal supplement.
There are 30 scoops of IQed per canister. Suggested serving sizes for use, or use as directed by your healthcare provider.
- One to Two years of age – one to two heaping scoops a day (1/2 to 1 scoop twice a day)
- Three years of age – two to four heaping scoops a day (1 to 2 scoops twice a day)
- Four to Eight years of age -three to four heaping scoops a day (1 and a half to 2 scoops twice day)
- Nine to Adult – four to six heaping scoops a day (2 to 3 scoops twice a day)
Wondering how much IQed you'll need a month? It's all simple math!
Mix It Up
Delicious all natural IQed Smart NutritionTM can be mixed into any food or drink, or can be used in various recipes. If your child is a picky eater, you can start with a small amount mixed into something your child enjoys and gradually increase it..
Visit our recipe page, or the IQedTM Pinterest board for more creative ideas!
Suggested Foods To Mix With IQed Smart NutritionTM
- Yogurt
- Pudding
- Apple sauce
- Oatmeal
Suggested Liquids To Mix With IQed Smart NutritionTM
- Water
- Almond Milk
- Cows Milk
- Orange Juice
Make Frozen Treats With IQed Smart NutritionTM
If your child likes ice pops you can make a smoothie with IQed and freeze that into a fudgicle. There are also numerous other frozen treat suggestions on the IQed recipe page.
*We do not recommend cooking with IQedTM or adding it to anything boiling as we don't know if that will comprise the nutritional profile of the numerous healthy botanicals in it.
Tip For Adding A New Food To Your Child's Diet
Syringe Method
My son Graham prior to the syringe method refused everything. Mixing IQed in regular food or drink or making it into a recipe would be next to impossible to get 2-3 scoops in a day. Graham is a VERY picky eater, but then I found this "Giant squirter from outer space!". The syringe has been a game changer.
Graham in his Halloween costume which he never takes off. Looks like IQed gave him even more super powers than I boasted about!
Cartoon Branding Trick "The Secret"
Put IQed Smart NutritionTM into an empty canister of your child's favorite powdered drink. A study published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine found cartoon branding affected children's choice regardless of taste.
Holly, the mom of Bodhi, a picky eater, used an old Nestle Quik container to get the full meal and vitamin replacement of IQed, an all natural food powder, containing casein free undenatured whey isolate protein synergistically blended with the Ayurvedic botanicals Turmeric, Amalaki, Haritaki, Gymnema, Green Tea, Guggul, Cocoa, Chia, Cinnamon, and Cayenne Pepper into Bodhi.
Use whatever old container or packaging you know your child would love!
This worked without him even knowing, and she helped the trick along by throwing in a few mini marshmallows.
(NOTE: It's not recommended to cook with IQed or add it to anything boiling as that may compromise the nutrients, but the way Holly did this as she explains below is fine)
”I give Bodhi his cup and spoon and let him spoon the IQed into the cup then add lukewarm water. I don’t know if you can see the IQed scooper on the side there in the photo? I let him scoop it all in, he hands the cup to me, I put it up to the tap to add the lukewarm water and I pour his ‘serving’ he’s done into scoop and measure pouring back what we don’t need or adding a bit more. Just using warm (not hot) water so he can drink right away.
When I made the ‘cocoa’ to put into the container, I poured the Nestle cocoa into a measuring cup and then added 3x the amount of IQed. So, for every full scoop into his cocoa, he’s getting 3/4 of a scoop of IQed. I played with some other mixes…but seems like the 3 to 1 (I really think it is the marshmallows!!) is good. I actually saw some little mini hot chocolate marshmallows at a bulk store which happens to be on the way to speech….and I think I will just grab some of those and see if straight IQed with marshmallows works going ahead.
Bodhi actually has an approximation for marshmallow he likes them so much ‘mamawewoowoo’…his ST was quite impressed with that one and vitamin ‘vvvvammmmummmm'”
Find A Recipe Your Child Likes
Why just another shake when there are so many healthy and yummy recipes to try? Who knew a blend of natural whey isolate protein together with turmeric, amalaki, haritaki, gymnema, green tea, cocoa, cinnamon, cayenne pepper could be so delicious! IQed; Pediatrician Endorsed and Mom Approved!
Some Find The Syringe Easiest
Mix IQed with enough water or other liquid to be able to suck up into the syringe. You can add something sweet in with the water. As one parent said "I found these large syringes online. You get 3 of them for around 12 dollars, and he can take it himself! They are a God send!"
The following advice is from "MD Mama" Dr. Claire McCarthy
Use the proper implement for liquid medicines. Don’t use a spoon–too much chance for spillage (and, unless you use a measuring spoon, too much chance of giving the wrong amount). My personal preference is a medication syringe (most pharmacies carry them). If you have a preschooler or older who freaks a bit at getting stuff squirted in his mouth and will cooperate, use the medication spoons that have a cylinder for measuring as a handle (also available in pharmacies)–it allows you to pour out a little at a time.
When squirting into a mouth, remember:
- Aim back (but not too far back) and to the side. If you go too close to the front it’s easier to spit out, but if you go straight back the child may gag.
- Don’t squirt all at once. As tempting as it is to get it over with, if you don’t want to be wearing it, wait until they swallow each bit before giving more.
- If you’ve got a squirmer: hold your child so that they are leaning back. Put the arm closest to you behind your back, and hold the other one down with the hand of the arm that’s cradling them. If you’ve got a kicker, you can put their legs between yours.
Parent Advice
"My little one has a lot of feeding issues and he wouldn't eat or drink most things including IQedTM I just started making IQedTM thin enough to use a syringe and I just squirt it in his mouth as if a medicine. And because I thought it was so important to give IQedTM a chance, I felt it was kind of non-negotiable, like a needed med. We just sat and waited until he'd take it down. And within a few days, he grew to like it and now I just put a couple scoops in a bowl, add enough water to make it pretty thin and spoon it in. It's really helping him so we just have to get it in before we can go on to the next thing in the day, and I try to make sure it's something fun to be motivating. So in short, my advice based on what worked for us was to make it thin it enough to syringe it in like a medicine."
A chaser may help. Something strongly sweet is often effective–I’ve had good luck with chocolate syrup. Honey is good too for children over a year old. With really nasty-tasting ones, I’ve sometimes filled a syringe with chocolate syrup and alternated medicine with chocolate. Eating some crackers can help kill the taste too, or brushing teeth (which is good to do after giving iron or iron-containing vitamins).”