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Buy More, Save More! Save up to 10% off with a multi-pack of IQed!


There are 30 scoops of IQed per canister.  Suggested serving sizes for use, or use as directed by your healthcare provider.  Detailed serving size/suggestions can be found by clicking here.
  • One to Three years of age – one to two heaping scoops a day (1/2 to 1 scoop twice a day)
  • Four to Eight years – two to four heaping scoops a day (1 to 2 scoops twice a day)
  • Nine to adult – four to six heaping scoops a day (2 to 3 scoops twice a day) 

IQed Smart Nutrition

IQed Smart Nutrition (Vanilla)

$ 59.95$ 59.45

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